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Executive to Entrepreneur

My Entrepreneurship Journey

My initial journey started over 12 years ago when I started a dancing school with friends of mine. Over the years, I knew I wanted to do more. I was happy at my 9-5 but couldn't figure out at the time what else I wanted to do. There were things I liked doing, but they weren't my passion.

After my grandmother (2019) and dad passed (2020), the burning desire in me was relit—I knew I needed to make a change, and I just had to figure out what it was. I started working with an executive coach to determine the next steps.

I learned that I was already doing everything I wanted to do and not seeing the importance at the time. I realized I wanted to do coaching and was unofficially doing it over the years. I would get asked questions about making moves (helping them climb the corporate ladder, launching a new business, etc.) because that's what I had done myself and knew what it took. I also had a business background with my MBA, dancing school, and family business, and those helped answer questions for others. I did this for years without ever really calling it coaching!

We're all good at many things, but what are you great at doing and passionate about? What is your calling here on earth?

My passion is to help women/minority businesses build wealth in their families and communities. Part of that is entrepreneurship—and, importantly, having the education, connections, and resources.

It's easier to put in the work and hours when your heart is in it. My journey has had its good and bad days; not everything will be roses. If you're working on your passion, it's easier for you to fight for it more, put in hours, and rise and try again.

Where I’m at Now…

As far as MRP goes, I am in what I like to call the growth and opportunity phase. There are many opportunities that are coming my way but I have to make sure to select the ones that truly align with my mission. I believe in being a mission-driven company.

I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do my first year, and now I know I want to focus more on women. Based on my background and knowledge, I do my best to help women who are at a crossroads on their entrepreneurship/career journey.

Some milestones from my first year include when I got my first five clients at once. It's memorable for me to say it was five at once, not just one!

The retreat was another. The one-year anniversary solidified that I had made the right step and that what I was doing was having an impact and wanting to do more—which you will see more of from me in the future.

And also when someone reached out to me regarding my book. A total stranger told me the book touched her when she needed it and helped her take action in her life.

The Executive to Entrepreneur Course

I created this course because I knew what it took for me to get there, and I wanted to make it easier and create a roadmap for individuals to do the same. Sometimes individuals don't take action because of fear, and having the education to overcome that fear can help.

Over my time at MRP, I've had conversations with individuals who were like me and have seen me take the leap; they're happy in their job but want to do more or use their expertise in another way. Maybe they're not ready for entrepreneurship full-time but part-time. They want to know how they can increase income or have a new challenge (still in the same realm of expertise but in a new way).

I wanted to make it easier and teach them how to know when to pivot or not, help map them through the launching process, and detail how to execute getting their programs and services out to the world.

Does this sound like you? This is exactly why I created the course—for women like YOU!

What makes this unique?

What makes this experience different is that I truly have been on both sides of the fence. I am the woman who climbed the corporate ladder while also starting a business (dancing school) and did that for ten years before I went into entrepreneurship full time.

I have been in the shoes of many women! More and more, I see women coming to me because they're in the same stages I was in, and it gives them a safe space to be guided where they can learn how to pivot and execute.

Who can benefit from this course?

This course is for you if you are a woman that wants more in life. You want to use your expertise differently or expand how you use it…. you're at a crossroads and want to make a pivot. You've considered entrepreneurship and are thinking about doing it part-time or full-time.

I will help you along the journey! I will help you look at what your transition will look like and uncover skills and expertise, and reflect on what you have that you can use and maximize along your journey.

You'll have the space to be truthful about figuring out if it's the right time and, if it's not, figuring out a plan to make it happen. You'll have guidance to create a roadmap and shift your mindset.

You'll walk away having accomplished and answering some of these questions:

  • How you can use your current skills and expertise to monetize your business.

  • How to shift from employee to entrepreneur mindset.

  • Uncovering your niche and your customer and how to reach them.

  • How and when to get started.

  • What resources are available to help you along the way.

How does the course work? What does the course include?

The course is six weeks long and officially starts on August 18th! There're weekly live virtual meetings with group coaching opportunities. Every week there is homework to prepare you for the session, and you'll also have worksheets and tools that we use along the way.

You'll be using a workbook that includes a self-reflection planner, tools to create a road map of your life, and more! You can use this during the course and when launching.

All of your entrepreneurship questions will be answered in these six weeks! You'll have all the plans, including knowing who your customer is, business formation, and getting your financial/development team in place. You will have essential resources to guide you in being more confident every step of the way.

Pricing Information/Registration

Register for the course for only $1497! There’s a convenient payment plan that includes a $500 deposit and two additional payments of $498.50. If you sign-up before Aug. 4th, you can receive $200 off!

Get started by registering for the course here!

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